After the weeks, months, and sometimes years of planning, your wedding day is nearly upon you! In preparation, a personalised makeup bag should be high on your wedding day must-haves.
Sure, you already know that you need to pack; lipstick, waterproof mascara, mirror and tissues. We’re here to reveal the hidden gems you might otherwise forget in your bride essentials.
But before we get to the contents, it’s time to think about the bag itself. Why not commemorate the day in style, with a personalised bride makeup bag? The design can include your name, or just ‘Bride’ emblazoned across it, along with the date, as a precious keepsake. Starting from just £10.99 with customisable pom-poms, a personalised makeup bag is also a great gift for your bridesmaids too.
Personalised bag sorted, here’s the hidden gems to include:
1. White chalk
Amongst the items in a wedding day survival kit for a bride is white chalk. No, you’re not going to play a game of hopscotch – white chalk can act as a temporary cover-up for stains on that perfect ivory dress.
2. Finishing Spray
Be sure to add finishing spray to your wedding day emergency kit. Think of this as a glue that holds your make-up together. Handy for all those tear-jerking moments and group photos. A quick spritz here and there will keep you looking picture-perfect all day.
3. Sunscreen
Peak wedding season in the UK (May until September) coincides with our hottest months. Even on your wedding day you’re not immune to sunburn, so a sneaky travel size bottle of sunscreen won’t go amiss in your personalised makeup bag. Better still, plan in advance and you can get pocket-size samples from beauty counters.
4. Feet-saving plasters
When you’re in heels from 11am until 11pm, your feet are going to h-u-r-t. Forego the ouch factor and pack as many plasters as you can. Better still, invest in some fold-away pumps for when it all gets too much.
5. A spritz of perfume
Keep the fantasy going all-day long, with a spritz of you wedding day perfume. In fact, perfume makes a great bride-to-be gift from friends, so it’s worth adding to your wedding checklist ahead of the big day.
6. Plenty of pins
You never know when you might need a handy safety pin to keep your dress in place, or hair pin to keep your ringlets from falling out. Either way, you can never have enough pins, making them a must-have bride essential for your makeup bag.
7. Stock up on meds
You might want to stock up on some medical essentials to see you through the day. Paracetamol for sore feet, antihistamines for unwanted allergies, and indigestion tablets for all that indulgence. If you suffer with anxiety, you may find herbal remedies like ‘kalms’ are a helpful addition.
8. Minty fresh
And finally, on your list of wedding day must-haves is mints. Yes, mints! You might have wedding day jitters that prevent you from a hearty breakfast, or you might be too busy greeting guests to enjoy the canapes. Whatever the case, be sure to pack mints to keep your breath fresh all day.
Most women use their personalised makeup bags as their day bag. This being the case, be sure to include other essentials, including; a phone charger, supplier contact list, and a copy of your speech if you’re making one.